Why Is My Heat Pump Not Cooling in Wilmington, NC?

When you own a house, one of your top concerns will be your level of indoor comfort. The heat pump is an important component that influences the temperature in your home, but it can lead to problems when it malfunctions. If you’re unsure why your heat pump isn’t cooling, here are a few common causes that can affect the temperature in your home in Wilmington, NC.

Check the Thermostat Settings

If your heat pump is failing to heat or cool properly, it’s important to check the thermostat to ensure it is on the heat setting. To test if it’s working, set it two degrees above the current temperature. When using the cooling mode, you can do the same steps but set it two degrees lower than the current temperature.

Something Is Obstructing the Outdoor Unit

If you’re experiencing low or no airflow from your heat pump, then it could be due to an obstruction affecting the outdoor unit. You’ll need to remove any weeds, leaves, and clippings that have contact with the unit and keep foliage trimmed every month. You can also replace the filters when they become dirty, or you can clean them if they’re reusable.

A Bad Fuse

The fan on the heat pump may not be working due to a bad fuse. Consider hiring a professional to inspect it to determine if you need to replace the fuse or if the technician needs to flip the circuit breaker to the closed position. In some cases, he or she may need to replace some worn wiring.

If you want to learn why your heat pump may not be cooling, you can contact our professional team for more information. Call Airmax Heating & Cooling to schedule an appointment for an inspection or replacement of the heat pump on your property in Wilmington, NC.

Image provided by iStock

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