Why Is My Heat Pump in Carolina Beach, NC So Noisy?

Heat pumps make a small amount of noise as they run — just to let you know they’re operational and efficient. But other noises are unwelcome because they can occur when the system needs repair. We’ll go over some of the heat pump sounds that indicate a problem.


Buzzing noises might come from your heat pump because of problems with the solenoid coil or an electrical issue. One electrical issue is that the heat pump doesn’t get enough power. The pump can also get too much power, which causes a soft buzzing noise that lasts for minutes or more.


A swooshing noise isn’t usually a cause for concern because this is one of the common sounds that heat pumps produce. You can hear it every time the system transitions from cooling to heating mode. It’s a good idea to call a professional if this sound occurs frequently or lasts longer than a few seconds.


While vibrations are similar to buzzing noises, they can also be much louder. When you call about heating repairs, you may find you need help with the refrigerant line or coils. If the refrigerant lines aren’t connected properly, they can vibrate or shake and cause some unusual sounds.


Thumping sounds can relate to the compressor blade, which rotates as the heat pump runs. When anything hits the blade, you’ll hear the noise. Twigs and other small pieces of debris can touch the blades and throw off their balance.


Many homes in the area may experience whistling noises if they have ductwork. This sound often relates to some type of damage to your ductwork. It’s a sign that the ducts have cracks or other damage that allows warm air to escape and produce a whistling noise.

A heat pump inspection is the best way to determine if your appliance suffers from ductwork damage, loose parts or other problems. Schedule a complete inspection in Carolina Beach, NC with a call to Airmax Heating & Cooling and find out what other heat pump services you may need this season.

Image provided by iStock

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