Do I Need a New Air Conditioner for My Home in Kure Beach, NC?

Did your air conditioner stop running all of a sudden? Does your home in Kure Beach, NC, smell like vinegar, dirty socks or burning plastic? Keep reading to learn more about when you should replace your AC unit instead of repairing it.

Is Your Air Conditioning System Nearing the End of Its Lifespan?

As a rule of thumb, you should replace your air conditioner if it’s 20 years old or older. Most AC units have an average lifespan of 15 years. Older models are less efficient and more expensive to operate, so it’s more cost-effective to choose a complete overhaul over another repair job.

Does Your System Need Frequent Repairs?

If your air conditioner needs a lot of repair work and your technician has indicated that it would break down at any point, it’s time to install a new one. AC units that require frequent repair work are more likely to experience major issues in the future. If your schedule seems to be full of calls to technicians, expensive repair work and frustration, it’s time to get quotes for a new AC unit.

Do You Constantly Run Your Air Conditioner?

Depending on the part of the country you live in, you may need to replace your air conditioner every 10 or 15 years. In regions with year-round hot and humid climates, your AC unit will run more often than in regions that get rain and snow in winter. This means more stress on the components of the unit that keep your home cool and comfortable.

When you need a reliable air conditioning unit to get you through the heat of summer, our team of experts is here to help you stay cool at home. Contact us at Airmax Heating & Cooling to diagnose your air conditioner in Kure Beach, NC, and get the best price for a repair or replacement service.

Image provided by iStock

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