3 Ways Pets Affect Indoor Air Quality in Hampstead, NC

When you think about the impact that your pets have on your living environment in Hampstead, NC, you may think about things like shedding and odors. While both of these are true, you many not realize that these also negatively affect indoor air quality, which directly impacts your health. Learn more about how pets affect your indoor air quality and what can you do about it today.


Many people are allergic to pet dander, and some may be particularly sensitive to animals with long hair. When exposed to these allergens, those suffering from pet allergies often suffer from symptoms like itchy and red eyes, a scratchy throat, sneezing and a runny nose. Related allergies from poor indoor air quality also cause asthma flare-ups and other serious respiratory issues.

Skin Irritation

Both pet dander and animal hair can irritate the skin, and these elements circulate through the air for direct skin exposure or land on surfaces that you touch frequently. Conditions like eczema and dermatitis are common in those who have sensitive skin when exposed to pet dander. These skin conditions make life miserable with persistent dryness, redness and itchiness.


Animals introduce bacteria and other pathogens to your home, and they spread these germs through their saliva, small particles of their skin, and their hair. Many of these elements circulate in the air, such as through movement or disturbing still surfaces. Once they are in the air, you inhale them or make skin contact and get sick.

If you worry about the air you breathe at home, learn about your home’s indoor air quality in Hampstead, NC. Air filtration and ventilation are essential aspects of indoor quality that our team focuses on. To learn about your home’s air quality, and the products that can help, contact our team at Airmax Heating & Cooling today.

Image provided by iStock

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